Sunday, 19 January 2014

Who am I?

God wants to do a new thing in your life ....... 

Who am I?  This is a simple question but one of the most complex at the same time.  I know I am a breathing, living person, but who am I? Who do I want to be, who does God want me to be? 

Big successful businesses all have mission statements, visions for their business and values that the operate by.  But what do we set for ourselves as individuals.  For us to live in the plan and purpose that God has for us, we also need to set goals for ourselves and even have a mission statement that define who we are. If you have to say what your mission statement is for your life right now or define the purpose of your life, do you first have to sit and think about it or can you stand tall and say this is who I am!  What is your purpose for your life? Who do you want 'you' to be. What do you stand for in life, no matter what? What principals do you stand up for in your life?

So, when you have a moment and you want to make positive changes for your life, go sit and think about it. Don't let your past or your hurts or anything stop you from making these positive changes in your life.  You deserve better than your past so get going! Forgive those that you need to forgive and move on to the person God wants you to be. Set yourself free, with the freedom that Jesus has given us all. Make that decision, now! Stand tall, stand with your head high and walk with faith into new beginnings.  With God's guidance in your life and living in thankfulness, love and grace daily you can do it. 

Always remember when things are good  when things are bad, when we hurt, when we happy, when we win, when we lose  ... we need Jesus ... always. When we live near to God and He fills our hearts with His love, we would not be able to not love others and help others.  1 John 4:8 says :"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love".  

My mission statement for my life is ...... To always love God with all I am, love my family and others with His grace. To be thankful and do my best daily by always striving to do the right thing, to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world and so make a difference.

Everything I do daily (and I do make so many mistakes) I try and live by my mission statement for my life, hand in hand with Jesus. And I do so encompassing the values I have set for my life and what my parents taught me and what God has taught me, so all I can do is try, try and try again, fail and then try again, but at least I know who I am and I do believe in my heart this is who God wants me to be.  We are all diamonds in the rough!

When I walk in town or drive to work or sit at my desk at work I am conscious to make a difference. I am so thankful to God that He has given me people in my life, my best friend, my children and extended family that have hearts for God and who also want to make a difference. We must not get wrapped up in life so intensely that we only strive to do things for ourselves and worry about ourselves. We have to die to self and follow what God wants in order to be really happy in our own lives.  There is a bigger picture, just let God in and let Him show you.

We are in Jesus Christ, grace He has given us freely, now we can live for His purpose! We are no longer slaves of the law but free in His grace, so let us thank Him and let us walk daily hand in hand with Him and make a difference.

Start today, find your mission statement for your life, let go of the past and start living your life for others.  Follow Jesus!  I know it might not be easy but just start and move into the right direction, trust God and He will lead you.  God wants to do a new thing in your life, He promised you that He will never leave or forsake you!

Isaiah 43: 18-19 :" Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of the old. Behold, I am doing A NEW THING; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert".

Father God I pray that those that are hurting so bad will trust you fully and let go and with you make something new in their lives. Let them know you are there and that you love them and that You will never leave or forsake them. Help them to make a mission statement and begin a new chapter in their lives. Amen.

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