Wednesday 27 November 2013

GRACE .... "free" from Jesus to us all...

GRACE ... from Jesus to us : His love, kindness and mercy is phenomenal.

I have been pondering again these last couple of weeks on the grace of God and especially listened as some people judge others.  I have read many articles on the topic of grace and judgement and many says that to judge is not completely wrong but there can be good in it. I off course disagree.  I do believe if we judge others we can take away their spiritual healing and their walk with God and especially if that person is on a path of finding God and finding Christianity we can damage that totally.  Judging only belongs to GOD, that is what I believe.  

Jesus wants us to love, to be kind to one another. We must remember God understands the difficulties we have in this world and He does not judge us but He loves us through our difficulties. Grace from God to us means that despite our sin God saved us. He loves us. It really hurts me when I hear how people carry on saying oh well this one is like that, that one is like this.... she will never go to heaven as she had a baby out of wedlock and she won't go to heaven as she has a relationship with a woman and oh goodness she has tattoos God wont love her. Oh goodness.  All those things don't matter. God accepts us and loves us just the way we are. We don't have to change for Him to love us.  I pray that God will heal those hearts that have been judged harshly and that He will help those Christians that are judging others. I pray that God will show humans on earth that He has already given us Jesus who has taken all our sins upon Himself and who has given His life so that we might live. The grace of God just shows how God loves US ALL unconditionally, well that means WITHOUT conditions.. Wow, yes, no conditions. So if you judge somebody you give them conditions. Jesus has taken all of that away. God has forgiven us all and He loves us.  God's grace is more powerful than sin. 

I remind myself of the scripture in Romans 8 that says NOTHING, yes NOTHING can separate us from the love of God.  Jesus YOU are our precious gift who gave up everything that day on the cross. So yes, YOU did not die in vain. I love you Jesus and I thank you that YOU changed my heart and I pray that You change the hearts of all those Christians that judge others keeping them away from meeting You and experiencing YOUR love for them. I pray this with all my heart.

Jesus I praise and worship You and I thank You that You have loved us enough to give Yourself up for our sins. No greater love have I ever known.  Your goodness Jesus gave new meaning to me in my life and in my heart. May we start loving others the way You love us. May we grasp Your heart.  May we never again judge ourselves, our families, our neighbours, our co-workers or anyone that You have created. May we just love and have mercy for people we are in contact with, the way You showed us to do. All for YOUR glory Jesus our Saviour.

Sunday 3 November 2013

It's a Symphony ... Everything with breath praise God..

Let everything that has breath PRAISE God!

Wow.. God is so powerful - we know that He created EVERYTHING including the universe just by the word of His mouth!

All things were created for the Glory of God, so we know that our Loving God created the universe and He created us... all to praise Him. Psalm 150:6 tells us that everything that has breath praise the Lord. Yes, praise the LORD.
It really blows my mind just to think about everything God created. Just looking at a tree that we at times take for granted ... the energy in one tree is said to have enough energy to give us enough electrical power for up to 10 years; wow! So my mind can't even fathom the "unseen" God created that has so much energy and the "seen" that we just look at and think nothing of ... all of it, everything God created praise Him, in a symphony. So God created this awesome powerful universe, imagine how much more powerful God must be. God, the God that knows my name and who loves me, that same God is full of greatness and power, more powerful than everything He created. Oh it makes me so excited to think about that.
God created everything, but He mostly loves us. He created us to have fellowship with Him.  Is that not awesome! Although we are sinners, He loves us deeply. We are priced far above all of His creation.  He even chose His own Son Jesus to die in our place, wow, we won't find a deeper love than that.
Psalm 145:3 : Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and HIS greatness is unsearchable.
The heavens declare the glory of God ..... How can anyone ever deny that.  The shapes and brightness of the clouds in the sky takes my breath away and that is only a drop in the ocean. If I can stare at the sky at night and the beauty of the clouds in the day, wow, I have not even seen a 10th of the beauty that God created.  Everything He created praise Him in a symphony. Imagine the beauty we will see one day. The magnificence of God. "I can only imagine, what my eyes will see".
I just thank God today that He is so amazing and yet He still loves us! May you just lay in His arms today and feel His powerful love always. When you look at the beautiful nature or the clouds or thunder or animals under the sea or the little insects and that little baby that has not been born as yet, remember that they all praise God in a symphony.  All glory to God forever.

Father God may we realise that you love us mostly, You created us to fellowship with You. It blows my mind how much You love us. Yet sometimes people deny you, but You are the greatest, You are all powerful and all magnificent. Thank you that You love us unconditionally. Father God always keep us humble.  May all that has breath praise You Father God forever. I love you with all my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength, forever!