Monday 7 April 2014

Your GRACE is as deep as the oceans

Jesus, YOUR grace is as deep as the oceans....

Isaiah 44:22 - I have swept away your offences like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me for I have redeemed you.


Again over the last few weeks I have seen so many Christians (including Pastors) that judge. Not only judging but condemning. The thing is they know their Bibles better than anyone, they should know Jesus better than anyone. They should know Jesus is our NEW COVENANT. Jesus died to give us Grace.. our sins fully paid for.
Jesus is not going to give us all grace one day, He has given us grace the minute He said :"It is finished". When He said the words "It is finished" goodness something awesomely wonderful happened. A new chapter started, a new beginning for us! He paid our sins in full!
Romans 5:20 says :"Where sin abounded Grace abounded much more"! Wow is that not just a wonderful promise to us. So the promise from Jesus is that where our sin increase there HIS GRACE will increase even more. Jesus loves us that much, unconditionally that He even wiped away all our sin. Yes, HIS GRACE is as deep as the oceans. 
Finished - paid in full - we don't owe anything.  Again, yes, this does not mean that now we can just sin and Jesus paid our sins in full anyway. Sin still breaks Jesus' heart but He loves us so much that He forgives us anyway. Is it not true that when you love somebody so much that you try to please them and try to be as they would want you to be. We love Jesus that much and we have a relationship with Him and so try to walk in His footsteps and try to please Him and do what He would want us to do to make His heart happy and be more like Him, but if we fail, He catches us and He forgives us.
I am just sending a message to the Christians out there that condemn and judge people that are trying to get closer to Jesus. Please think about your words. Don't spit flaming arrows at 'baby Christians' and at people that are trying extremely hard to get to know who this Loving Jesus of ours is. Leave the judging to the only One that is allowed to judge us and that is Jesus. Jesus said we have to love. So many people are hurting, just love them through a situation in order for them to see Jesus in you.  One pastor wrote on his blog that God does not accept people who divorce and divorce is a sin and so that person commits adultery. I was just hurt by the way our Christians should accept and love those in pain. Please wake up ... Jesus loves you, you that are going through a divorce, you that have sin in your life .... HE LOVES YOU. Don't feel condemned by us Christians that should show the Glory of God in our lives and should not condemn but love.  His GRACE is as deep as the oceans!!! With our condemnation we are actually pushing people in need of Jesus further away from Him. Jesus said LOVE... not JUDGE. When are we going to get that. 
We all have sinned and fall short of HIS glory but HE sent Jesus as our GRACE. Christians... please watch your words. Jesus said : IT IS FINISHED.
So come to Jesus just as you are. Jesus is our NEW COVENANT.  Jesus knows not one of us are perfect, NONE OF US, not Christians not anybody. When we fall HE said it is finished .. paid in full, He will be there to catch you. I promise you!
How can we not love a Saviour that has given up so much for us! So next time listen to your Saviour as He said .... I have swept away your offences like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me for I have redeemed you. Return to HIM!!
Father God You are so mighty, You said no one can see you and live. I fear You and I love You so much. Father as we get closer to Easter period when You sent Your Son for our transgressions, I pray that You will teach us all to LOVE one another. Love is the only thing that can draw people closer to You. Thank You Father God for sending Jesus, our New Covenant of LOVE. Jesus has risen and so left us with the beautiful Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit I ask You humbly to work in each ones life so we can love each other to show the Glory of God in our lives.  Thank You that You love and accept all of us just as we are. Amen.

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