Thursday 11 July 2013

The Indescribable Glory of God

Exodus 33:18-23 (ESV) : Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” And God said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.  But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”  And the Lord said, “Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock, and while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.  Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen.”

Our minds cannot yet understand God’s ways and the Glory of God …. our eyes still need to be opened to His GLORY..

As human beings in the flesh, we would never be able to survive the sight of God because of His Glory.  And this is just because God wants to protect us and not harm us, as His Glory is so powerful.  But one day in heaven when we are spirit that will all change.  This takes my breath away!  I feel so humbled by the fact that God created us because of love – to one day be with Him in heaven to experience the fullness of His glory, now that makes me excited and at the same time it brings tears to my eyes.  I have read so many articles where people say that God does not exist or God is imaginary that is why Moses could not see His face. Wow, people!!!! God absolutely exists!!  Just look around you.  Look at the incredible way God has made you and me.  How can we even compare God to a human being or limit Him when He is just so Amazing.  His Glory is astonishing. Psalm 19 & 73 speaks about the heavens telling us the story of God’s Glory.  I would never want to pass this opportunity by to be a child of the most High to one day experience His Indescribable Glory!  Indescribable, uncontainable.. All powerful, untameable, incomparable, unchangeable… Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, You are amazing God… (Part of Lyrics.. Indescribable by Chris Tomlin)

I do believe in my inner being that God is extremely misunderstood.  He is the first one people “blame” when something bad happens and He is the last one people “thank” when something good happens.  God allows certain things to happen to us that we don’t always understand but He loves us, He is beautiful (I cannot comprehend all the beautiful images in my mind when I think of Him and my thoughts are even limited as His beauty is just startling). He is omnipotent (Rev19:6 – Almighty), omnipresent (Psalm 11:4 – present everywhere at the same time), and omniscient (Psalm139:12 – having complete and unlimited knowledge).  I read in Joel Osteen’s book – Your best life - that each of us should have an “I Don't Understand It" file so when something comes up for which we don’t have an answer, instead of dwelling on it and live in self-pity, we just need to file it in there and walk away from any emotional bondage. So yes, my new filing system now has a file called “I Don’t Understand It”.

Created for His Glory

Isaiah 43:7 says that we were created for the Glory of God.  If we think about it God says that He is love.. So we were created for LOVE.  Yes, then we were created for Him and Jesus said that the greatest commandment is LOVE. Jesus Christ is the best expression I can think of when I think of the Glory of God and of Love, when I think of His goodness and when I think of Grace.  

I have asked some people to let me know how they see God and what God means to them in their lives. Here are some of their comments ….

How is see God…
“God is almighty, all powerful, He is amazing beyond words, I do believe that we are made in His image, therefore I do believe that He has a tender, loving presence about Him.  He is filled with unconditional love for us all, a God of forgiveness and grace for us all.  He accepts us just the way that we are and He knows our hearts desires. I know that God is always with me and will only ever have good plans for my life.  I am FOREVER grateful to God for all that He has blessed me with, no material possessions could ever make up for all the good qualities that He has given me, for all the loved ones that He has blessed me with that are always there for me, and when I feel that I just can’t carry on I am reminded in some way or another of how blessed I actually am.  I am a child of the most high God, what more could I ask for.  I know that God is the ultimate PERFECT example of PURE love”.

How I see God…
“When I think of God, I picture him with a bright light all around him, and with a soft gentle smile, extending his hand out towards me. Firstly let me say “Thank you God for the most amazing and awesome wife that I have been blessed with, A TRUE GIFT FROM GOD. God means everything to me, without him I would never be able to cope with all that is happening in my life and to all those whom I love. God has answered so many prayers in my life, I owe him so much. It is true what they say WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD, Always there, never failing in His care, Yes sometimes I get despondent and cry out to GOD, please answer my prayers, but in His own time and when He believes it to be the right time, He DOES answer in miraculous ways. I have a company that is struggling to survive, I have a car that needs to be repaired, I have loans I have to pay, the list goes ON and ON, I truly let go and LET GOD, and I received money this week to pay all the problems and burdens that I have.  I carry no malice towards any of those people that get pleasure out of needless gossip, or grudges that they bare, because MY GOD SEES ALL and He truly must know my heart as no one else does. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME and ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD”.

How I see God…
“I have an awesome almighty God, He means so much to me in my life, and I know He always looks out for my best interests in life.  Who would we be without God, God is the reason we are here, He died for our sins and for that He in awesome God, I love him with all my heart soul and might! Thank you God for all you have done for me, Thank you for making me one of your daughters, Thank you for making my heart pure”.

How I see God…
“A Father, Friend, Forgiver and Lover of My SOUL, Wonderful counsellor, Mighty Prince of Peace, Mighty good shepherd, my Strength, my Teacher, My Trust, My Joy, LOVE (we can never know true love apart from Him) God is my life- My everything. The author and the perfector of my Faith.  I feel that God understands me more than I do myself, I've done so many wrong things and still continue to do so but God loves me, He forgives never to ever remember or remind me of my sin, He is all that I have, He makes sense when everything else in the world does not, HE  LOVES UNCONDITIONALLY knows all my flaws and still loves me. Most of all He is my best friend, no day goes by me not talking to him. I believe in Him and Him only I believe in His reports and none else. Looking where I come from and where I am today it can only be God who has made all things possible.  He is able to open doors that no man can close. He is the centre of my life; after all it’s all about Him and none else.  This wonderful man called God He understands our prayers even when we can’t find words to say to Him.  He is everything to me can’t imagine life without him”.

How I see God…
“To me God is beautiful, radiant softly spoken.  He is the One that helps me carry on no matter what.  He picks me up when I am down. He is my father that loves me listens to me guides me and He is just awesome and the lover of my soul”.

How I see God…
“God means to me: love, gentleness and caring and you can always depend on him. He is the only one forever”.

How I see God…
“The secret is Jesus – And in Him we find all wisdom and hidden treasures and my life without Him will be empty”.

Pray with me ...

Amazing God in heaven, forgive us for limiting You. Yes, we can't even comprehend your awesomeness, your Glory. We would not be able to live if we had to see Your Glory. Do we even know sometimes what we as for.  Thank you for thinking enough of us humans that You sent Your Son for us and that You love us so extremely much. I am just thankful to be your daughter and thankful that You love me and know the depts of my heart. All we do is for Your Glory beautiful Father!!

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